My 1st New Wallet in 10 Years!

My 1st New Wallet in 10 Years!
Authored By Terrence Kelleman 0 Comment(s)


September 1st, 2023

Laguna Beach, California

Hey Mighty Fans,

I'm really excited to tell you about the first new wallet design I’ve made in 10 years. 

So much has changed since the mini Mighty and I've really been trying to incorporate a lot of the customer feedback into the new design─which is even simpler yet has more storage and greater flexibility.

I've been working on this design for nearly 9 months and serendipitously Dupont (the manufacturer of Tyvek) has announced that they will have the first ever Dupont Tyvek design competition in December. Perfect Timing! (more on that later)

Please join me in this journey as I release sneak peeks and videos of the design evolution between now and November 30th. I hope you can follow me on this journey and join me in the final stages of bringing the product to life. (focus group sign up below)

When I made the first Tyvek wallet in 2005 it was such an outlier concept that it took me years of marketing to make it a viable product in the consumer marketplace. At the time no one understood the benefits of a “Tyvek wallet” much less the idea of an origami Tyvek wallet! 

But with years of persistence, lots of fun, clever iconic graphics and an inclusive brand that encouraged others to BE MIGHTY, Mighty Wallet grew one fan at a time into a product line that's now recognized around the world.

I've been so blessed to have had this experience as a struggling artist to find my path in design and inventing. I'm very grateful and appreciative of my amazing fans who supported and encouraged me all the time to keep "Being Mighty!" Especially in the dark days.
My hope is that this new wallet design will be the beginning of a new chapter of growth for Dynomighty. 

Sign up if you would like to be a part of a focus group to give feedback on the final design iterations and decisions in bringing this product to market. (Mighty Wallet Customers Only)
This is going to be Awesome.
Be well & BE MIGHTY, 
Founder & Inventor


Sign up to be on the product feedback team here! 


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